No need to sweat it out during the warmer months get your air-con re-gassed with us.
Air-cons are an essential key to comfort during the summer months, especially for heavy equipment operators. Hot and stuffy conditions inside a cab can significantly impact their productivity and health making it an essential for the air-con system to be working efficiently.
Our field service engineers are fully trained to re-gas a machine’s air conditioning system on site and it takes no longer than an hour to complete ensuring minimal machine downtime. This can take place as an addition to an interval service, or as an individual job.
As well as improving operator comfort and productivity, the air-con re-gassing helps maintain the life of all internal system which if ignored could result in a major breakdown further down the line.
The re-gassing cost starts from as little as £175 when completed at the same time as a routine service visit.
For more information please fill out the enquiry form below or call 0845 601 5540.